Friday, 9 April 2021

Totally inspiring


It has been a year since I have reviewed any book, Sars Covid-19 was and is an unusual time and I got out of reviewing but working at the day job from home meant I never left the day job. So was pleased when Caroline asked me to review this book.

I felt in some ways as the author did that I had left life for a while - but in a different way.

Changing your life and doing something drastic is something we all dream of but few do- Caroline and Allister did.

What an inspiring read, taking stock of life away from home, packing everything up and hoping that your relationship will survive this - and indeed it did, facing illness away from home, taking each day and cherishing it.

Life is uncertain whether it is illness or uncertainty in this mad world which you have no control. This has been such an inspiration and although I cried, I laughed and admired too.

Thank you Caroline for letting me read this book and for me to return to reviewing again.