Monday, 14 March 2016

I was asked to review this by the Nursing Times Journal

What was it like?

This is an excellent reference book for paediatric and young persons enabling the nurse/practitioner to have evidenced based guide to hand. This is an easy to read concise handbook. The chapters are well set out and at the end of each topic there is a section for further reading. Every time I went to look for a relevant subject it was there and covered well. The attention to detail shows just how much work has gone into the first and second editions. Indexed and referenced well.


Includes significant changes in safeguarding to ensure the reader is up to date with current legislation. The chapter in relation to neonatal care has now been expanded to include information on care and breastfeeding of the pre-term infant, as well as developmental and kangaroo care.  The separate section on paediatric emergencies will be in valuable to the reader. Nurses have to be aware of the legal aspects of care and this is covered well in this handbook.

Strengths & weaknesses:

This handbook is designed to be picked up by the nurse/practitioner to find the information easily and quickly. This provides up to date well researched material in this small handy textbook. One of the greatest strengths is the fact that this is written by nurses for nurses specifically. This second edition acknowledges that children’s and young peoples nursing is continually developing and that this second edition has been updated by expert clinical nurses.

Potential Readers:

This is a must for both the registered and student nurse. These needs to be kept on a shelf for all practitioners to use as guide at all times when caring for the child or young person.

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