What was it like?
author explores climate change – a wake up call for us all. Tick borne diseases
and the battle to find treatments and to somehow fight what is affecting
millions of people in the States and other countries. For readers in the UK
this is possibly news to them, but the message needs to get out there as climates
get warmer, ticks will breed where they would not have before.
What were the
highlights for me personally were the interviews
with patients, specialists, and researchers around the world, this made this a
reality and the author demonstrates the case for Governments, World Health
Organisations and public health to do something before it is too late. The
author clearly states that it is people and larger animals who will suffer. A
simple bite can be fatal.
to think we managed to rid people of small pox, polio (although still prevalent
in some countries is treatable) so many children I grew up with had callipers
and suffered with diseases we thought had gone away and now something more deadly.
the author statement that we are ultimately to blame as we unleashed the lyme
is such an incredibly powerful book.
Strengths &
researched and beautifully written. The text is not overburdening to the
reader. The argument is well presented and backed up with data. Very much a world-wide
issue and now needs backing from the UK also. It urges the reader to be caring
for the planet also we all have a part to play. The author is an investigative
reporter and this shines through the writing and argument.
found no weaknesses in this book.
Who should read
staff, clinical staff junior staff in training, patient advocates and researchers.
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