Merry Christmas will be back after my Christmas break Have a great time,
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Another gripping read from a great thriller writer

I was asked to review by Nudge and have been privileged in that I have reviewed The Man from Berlin and Pale House.
This is series three of the Gregor Reinhardt series. This time Gregor is back with Berlin Civilian police as a detective. This is 1947 and Berlin is in turmoil, the city had been badly bombed, people are hungry. Corruption is rife Gregor knows he is not wanted here. Previously he had left as he was fleeing the Nazis.
Post war this city is mostly communist sympathizers, it appears that a serial killer is on the loose when a man is found dead in rubble of a building.
There is distrust on both sides from him colleagues and his general uneasiness of the situation. The Allies and Soviets are involved , Germans who want to carry on world war 2 and a past Gregor does not personally want to be reminded of.
This author researches his subject with attention to detail, it is atmospheric, based on historical circumstances and a thriller writer up there with the best.
This book can be read on its own but this Christmas treat yourself to the series and enjoy a great read over the long festive period.
Not for the faint Hearted

I was asked to review this book by
This is the 4th book in the series but was easy to read this book and did not need to read previous books to follow the plot.
This was a paranormal journey and boy did it pull some punches creepy. two people inherit a house with evil and weird happenings. This was a good read which kept you on the edge of your seat or rather for me my sun bed.
The plot was believable and if you are into haunted houses this is book to read which will scare you- not for the faint hearted..
Something different in the adult colouring book genre

Interesting book, there appears to be a lot of adult "colouring" books around.
I can see people doing this on the long festive break or maybe on a journey.
I tried one or two and were fun and addictive
Definitely for the adult and to set aside time to do this - would make a good stocking filler if readers have not completed their Christmas shopping yet.
Good YA Novel

I was asked to review this by Inspired by Kathy. Good mix of supernatural and normal. Great story for young adults.
Essentially a fantasy book with so much - magic, supernatural, scary funny and adventure what is not to like like about this book.
Girl who is a loner with a mother who suffers from necromancy (the supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to predict the future)
Unusual story line, well written and a book I kept on till the end - I wanted to know the ending.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Great Adventure story

I was asked to review this by Inspired by Kathy - this is a great young adult novel- two people find a dusty old journal in an attic along with a baby dragon how many times were we as kids asked to do something and hoped this would turn into an adventure! - the story begins. They are flung through a portal to another world. There is a world of dragons and Norse mythology thrown into the mix. This was some adventure.
This was total escapism and adults too will enjoy this great story. Totally loved it. Well written and will be seeking out this author.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Told As It Was

I was keen to read this as will be visiting Chartwell in 2017.
My question would be what if there had been no first world war or second world war, would Churchill and his wife have been remembered. The other question would be if we had had a different prime minister at the helm during the second world war - would the outcome have been different? we will never know.
The lady herself I felt was born in the wrong time as today she would have gone to university and may have gone into politics herself. I was left thinking she was extremely selfish with her children, wanted to go on long holidays or take her self off to bed to the detriment of her children. Both sadly had been damaged from bad childhoods and that may account for this and it was a different time.
There had not been a role/job description for the prime ministers wife which she made this her own and changed the way things were run.
Clementine came into her own in the first world war as did a great many women running canteens across London.
During the second world war she did a great deal for the ordinary people, but allowed her female relatives to sleep with the American for the country.
I found at the end of the war extreme selfishness when they actually had to deal with rationing. I naively thought they were in it with the nation not so.
Interesting and never able to live within their means going from one financial crisis to another.
Good historical references and well written by the author she told the story warts and all.
Living the dream with a few obstacles

I was asked to review this by the author. As a fan of the Olive series by Carol Drinkwater and had recently read and Chickens Eat Pasta, I was interested in life in Italy.
The story is about a couple ( Stef and Nico) from Holland and their dog, going to live in Italy and live the dream.
How these two actually persevered was a wonder and a joy to read, the bureaucracy - you can never imagine until you read this fascinating book. I read this on my winter hoiliday so with the warm sunshine and palm waving- I settled into reading this. Throughout the turmoils comes humour and friendship along the way with extremely irritating read tape and bungling builders.
The book is split into short stories /chapters which were easy to read and the reader wants to keep going to see if they do survive and live the dream with their Bed and Breakfast villa- Villa I Due Padroni.
At the end I truly wanted to thank them for staying the course and of course this is real and so is the villa so you never know may be one day I may live the dream and stay there - a lovely thought as i get back to life at home in freezing temperatures.
Thank you for letting me review - a joy.
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Interesting Alternative
![Hypnobirthing: The breakthrough approach to safer, easier, comfortable birthing by [Mongan, Marie]](
Woman who can embrace child birth through HynoBirthing gives the parents
control and interact with the child in the womb.
This book explores how the woman’s body in birthing works, an
interesting exploration into why medical labour can be more painful.
This is an informative and easy to read book for the mother and birthing
partner. The author gives the woman the permission to look elsewhere to the alternative.
The author explores positive thinking and gives a whole outlook on well being.
HypnoBirthing claims to help shorten birthing and the time to recover after. The
reader is unaware if the author was a midwife but she does describe thirty or
so years ago when she began “delivering babies”. So the author appears to have
had a wealth of experience and claims to have given birth to her four children
using this method.
List strengths and weaknesses:
The book is informative and gives as different slant on how mum is with
her approach to child birth and with all aspects of life less stress and positively
goes a long way. This is a practical approach which has a place, but alongside medical
care and to be aware if compilations occur that a medical delivery team will
take over. The author acknowledges healthy women with healthy babies can give
birth out side of the emergency setting and birthing units within a hospital
are best placed.
I found no weaknesses, this was well researched and the author has a
wealth of knowledge including being the founder of the HypnoBirthing programme
This book is written for women
living in the States but is equally as apt for women in the UK .
Potential Readers: All Midwives and Obstetricians. Midwives working in the
community helping mum and birthing partner with their birthing plan and
birthing centre staff.
Something needs to be done
Dr Hotez launched Baylor’s National School of Tropical Medicine. What he
has uncovered in poor areas of Texas (USA is one of the richest
countries) diseases which you would expect in third world countries. He
explores diseases such as TB, hookworm, lymphatic filarasis and Chagas disease to
name a few which occur with extreme poverty. There are impoverished people
living in rich countries and actually account for most of the world worst
poverty related diseases. This for the reader is both surprising and shocking.
Personally going on holiday to India and Mexico I was shocked but not
surprised to see very ill people and in India Polio still rife. I grew up in Scotland in the late 60s where
polio and other diseases were still familiar.
We have spokes people like Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall who take on
business giants and highlight the issues in the UK . We know there are too
many homeless on the streets but we do have an NHS that treats all and at
present we do not have to pay high insurance costs.
The author in this instance has uncovered a horrify problem on the USA door step let alone what
is happening in other affluent countries. The author has highlighted diseases
we thought we would not see in affluent countries. This is shocking and there
is no comfort blanket this is facts which stack up.
The author explores different countries and gives statistics as well as interesting
narrative to the background to the people, economy and diseases found there.
The author highlights socioeconomic issues and the north south divide is
everywhere. He urges that public health needs to be tackled now and solutions need
to be shared.
Strengths and weaknesses:
This is a well researched book which takes you to countries of the world
describing diseases and giving solid data. There is a whole chapter listing
literature cited, in which the author is sited on numerous occasions
highlighting just how much personal research he has carried out himself rather
than just quoting other experts.
It is shocking and makes the reader aware something has to be done- what
is happening to people now suffering in what we in Britain would think was
it makes the reader wonder just what the consequences could be for
health when the UK voted no to the EU on the 23rd June 2016, what
impact could that have for Britain and health. It is concerning that the NHS is
overgrown and cannot cope with capacity and finance and what the future hold we
do not know as each government tries to paste over the cracks.
I found no weaknesses.
Potential Readers:
This book is for all clinicians dealing with caring for people with
poverty related diseases. This book should be on the student nurse essential
reading list as this is shocking and something needs to be done. We cannot go
around blinkered.
Friday, 4 November 2016
A must practical book for Women with Breast Cancer

A book that provides all the information a woman will need when making
life and body changes when faced with breast cancer. This is an extremely
practical and user friendly read.
The book is easy to follow. It is good as the reader is under any
illusions as breast reconstruction is not for all women but with practical
advice the woman can make informed decisions and choices with the aid of this
The author reassures the woman by advising her to be patient, will feel
feminine again but again gives the reader the choice as she explores is it
worth it?
The photographs are of real women who have had breast cancer so the
reader can associate herself in differing situations.
The real life accounts and stories of real women make this a powerful
book for women.
Different cultures are explored as well as practicalities around money,
as this book is written in the states it does explore insurance but people
faced with cancer in the UK can claim under some of
the cancer charities.
One of the aspects personally I would be concerned about would be
clothes and how to wear them – this I found valuable.
Strengths and weaknesses:
Although this is written in the states it
applies equally to women in the UK . Well written,
easy to read. The author is a medical writer so has experience and has been
honoured for her work.
Every time I went to a chapter the subject was
there that I wanted to explore. There are notes with good references at the end
and a glossary for women who may not have medical knowledge and could be
confused with jargon.
I found no weaknesses.
Potential Readers:
All nursing and medical staff caring for women with breast cancer must
read this book. They are the people that must ensure these women know about
this book and are steered in the right direction to make the informed
End of a great series

I was asked to review by inspired by Kathy
The last in the series -I had been privileged to read the other books in this remarkable series.A great read and a sad day when this has come to an end.
Love this book the writing was great and fast paced great plot.

I was asked to review this by Inspired by Kathy
I felt I needed to know more after the book finished - a sequel is needed
I loved this book having lived in Yorkshire - such a special place.
The plot was great the writing was good - a story of love before the second world war and a second love with her true love away at war.
Just such an addictive book I could not put down - an author to look out for.
Not your usual Paris story but well recommended

I was asked to review by
Loved this the descriptions of Paris accurate the author has either done their homework or been there. The character Amy has an obsession with diets and Paris know the two very well.
Lovely book - we all have had experiences of dramatic weight loss for me when my world was ripped apart.
Well written book, fast paced - and so very different but hey that is what I loved about it.
A great read for the sunbed
Fast paced a great thriller
I was asked to review this by
What a great read loved this from page one. A bit of fantasy, elements of great Egyptian mysteries. it is a tale of a race against time with intrigue, mystery, death and will Alex get to the truth in time.
A well written novel which is fast paced with the reader reading on to the very end to find out what happened - recommended
Just great for kids this Christmas

I was asked to review by
Just great for kids, Christmas a great story. Education for the child in numeracy, words and much more
Cute and a must this Christmas.
A Great read

I was asked to review this by
I was so glad I did what a book. I loved his debut novel -The Prediction and knew this would be promising so was so glad when i was able to enjoy and review.
i devoured this from the streets of Curacao to Amsterdam fast paced - crime, terrorism and more all thrown into this great melting pot.
The ending well- I did not expect that
Will be up there in the top ten this December cannot wait for the next book the author will write.

I was asked to review by
Adorable - 35 and cute Kawaii designs. I loved colouring books as a child and this would be so apt for adult or child.
Just something to take the adult away from the stresses of real life and this took me back to the late 60s early seventies.
As it is nearing Christmas a great stocking filler.
Good for the creative writer

I was asked to review this by
Essentially this is the experiences of the author on an Open University course in creative writing. This was part of his blog.
This aids would be writers in creative writing ( not easy I went on a course a few years back).
I was not sure about this at first but found this inspiring and informative all in the one bag. there are short stories and poems with handy hints on writing.
Recommended read.
Oh my goodness

I was asked to review this by
Interesting book. Thought provoking just what would you do?
Four winners of the town raffle are offered an additional prize by the weird new raffle draw . The extra prize, if the winner chooses not to use it, can be given to someone else they know who might be in more need. The three winners decided to take the bonus prize. The other one gave it to their best friend. The bonus prize gives each winner a chance to go back to any day in the past they wanted to change.
This book really makes you think about regrets, longing, things you may have done wrong - oh my goodness a moralistic roller coaster.
Wow gosh this made me think and I expect readers too will go through so many emotions and what ifs. Made me think life is short and you get one stab at life.

I was asked to review this by
This is a biography of Alexandre Vachon [1885-1953], cleric and scientist, Francophone leader and who became Archbishop of Ottawa. he was born in Canada with descendants from Ireland in 1832. The youngest of thirteen children he graduated from the Quebec Minor Seminary and Laval University be. It is a fascinating portrait of spiritual pastor who advocated for the advancement and elevation of his charges through the study of the sciences.
A fascinating book
Sunday, 30 October 2016

Description: This
is the sequel to the excellent and thought provoking So, I’ve Got Parkinson’s
Disease. This is book for someone who has Parkinson’s diseases and feels they
are on their own and those who have relatives or loved one suffering from the
As with the first book the reader does not feel alone the
author writes with first hand experience. The chapter for me (who does not have
Parkinson’s) is something I am doing at present and is simplifying in order to
think and clutter for me is not something I want anymore and find myself too
trying to understand how to use my brain usefully. The author and alters her
inner world by changing her outer world.
As a psychologist the author is able to analyse her problems
and the use of humour to deal with the condition. The author highlights how you
deal with life and sometimes it is about thinking ahead, being organised, communicating
and enjoying the friends you have.
It is a complex disease and the author makes no bones about
Strengths and weaknesses:
This is written by a clinician and also first hand as a
sufferer. This will bring hope to Parkinson’s sufferers and help them realise
they are not alone and that although the path can be rough there are coping
mechanisms to help the sufferer and also to help the carer or loved one
It is important for staff who work with patients suffering
from this condition that they are interested and want to work with people
suffering. One important phrase the author uses (and this is apt for any patient)
is” every human being has the right to be treated with dignity”
This book is both inspiring and thought provoking. I look
forward to a 3rd book in this series- I do hope the author writes
Potential Readers:
All staff working with Parkinson’s disease – both nursing
staff and clinicians.
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
A must for ED Radiographer
![Self-assessment in Paediatric Musculoskeletal Trauma X-rays (Self-Assessment in X-rays) by [Sakthivel-Wainford, Karen]](
This book explores areas of
paediatric trauma which are most commonly presented to A&E or minor
injuries. A study guide with 125 cases and 25 new cases that practitioners may
find difficult to interpret from films.
This is such an easy to follow guide with photographs of films highlighting
fractures and abnormalities to look out for. The case studies ask the questions
of the practitioner and instruct them to write a provisional image evaluation.
The radiographs are real and anonymised which adds weight to the
The first chapter starts with non accidental injury and makes no
apologies this can occur in any child and practitioners need to be aware ensuring
the safeguard of the child is paramount. The practitioner is accountable.
The author is an Advanced Radiographer Practitioner working in the UK in a teaching hospital
working in this field. The author knows and has researched her book well. This
is well written. The layout of the book is reader friendly and has a good sized
Strengths and weaknesses:
There were no weaknesses this text book was reader friendly easy to
follow would be ideal to use the case studies also in discrepancy meetings
also. The reference section was up to date. Safeguarding was at the beginning of
the book ensuring the child was at the forefront of everything the
practitioners carry out. There is a good chapter giving brief but concise descriptions
of paediatric fractures.
I would have perhaps like to have seen reference to CQC and reporting
mechanisms within Radiology to raise awareness.
Potential Readers:
This book is ideal for Radiographers, Radiographer Practitioner/Consultant,
Nurse Practitioner, junior doctors and referring clinicians. This book needs to be on the shelf in A&E
and Radiology departments.
A must gift and read this Christmas

I was asked to review this book by
Delightful and for readers at Christmas we all know and have sung Little Donkey and it always conjours up a warm Christmas feeling and this book is such a lovely story.
Based on the Radcliffe Donkey Sanctuary in Lincolnshire. Alan was found it a dreadful state tied up and left in a supermarket ( life is cruel and some people are equally cruel). I found the book to be extremely funny and at times thought Herriot fans would love this book. There is a tug of war with bikini bottoms! There was emotion and sadness but the resounding message was hope.
Readers will have no idea just how hard a sanctuary is to run- they faced flood and people who wanted to try to destroy this sanctuary and this wonderful donkey was helping to protect the other animals, but run with people who care and this for me was such a joy. The author takes the reader to the beginning and just how this journey began.
The author writes well and in an easy comforting way that the reader just immerses in the story.
She and her colleagues truly are angels.
It is hoped there are other great donkey characters that the author may write about and I would be keen to read more.
This book is not just for Christmas as it gives insight into the Sanctuary - it exists you can visit Alan and others, readers can donate and to give the ultimate gift readers can adopt a donkey.
Thursday, 6 October 2016
A great thriller

This is the awaited next book by the author of the Swimmer.
This thriller started well and got me hooked from the beginning,
lots of differing plots that weave into this story. The book gives the reader a
chance to embed the story as all too often we are faced with a roller coaster
ride and the reader cannot devour the writing as well.
The characters are real warts and all which makes for a
great read. it shows the world as it sadly is today.
Shocking but ultimately a great read will be up there in the
top ten thriller authors.
good historical novel

I was asked to review this book by
An interesting read and an historical fictional account of Anne Boleyn's early years that are not always investigated. This is historical fiction so there is poetic licence in this account but the author has clearly researched her subject well. This is well written and the author up there with the historical fiction greats.
Interesting account making the reader want to find out more of this Queen who came to a grisly end.
Happy Ever After

I found this really comical to read and was not expecting that . Two 16 years go in search of their true love. An evil Wizard gets in their way and predictably the two girls need to defeat the nasty wizard. There is betrayal, romance a great escape of a read.
An emotional read

I was asked to review this book by
Oh my goodness these two characters were meant to be together. I found this such an emotional book to read. I thought this would be an ok book, but how wrong was- I was taken into the story and the characters. There is mystery around the characters too so the reader is reading on to the end to find out what happens next.
A great book and an author to look out for.

I was intrigued by this book, having not read book one was a little unsure.I was not disappointed. This gave the reader enough of the story line to follow book 2.
A princess who thought she was human and yet is a troll who looks like a troll and presumably acts like one too ( not sure how a troll should act)
The princess has magical powers but require to be unleashed - thus this is essentially the story but hey it works and I enjoyed this style of writing too.
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Great romance

I was asked by Inspired by Kathy to review this book. Was not sure what to expect. But loved this book. OMG a lot of emotion. The author has written her characters and they are so real. What I enjoyed was the fact that this story was complicated - choices to be made, redemption and forgiveness all thrown into the melting pot.
Recommended and I will certainly be following this author.
Lovely Festive Read
![Christmas Kisses & Wishes (The Christmas Love List Book 2) by [Kleve,Sharon]](
I have really been getting into the festive spirit- Christmas cake made, cards written and presents wrapped as much as I can. So as a reward I read Sharon Kleve Book. The author kindly asked if I wanted to review - yes please I said.
As with all of Sharon's books I loved it. The characters are lovely- Finn is a writer and is trying to find herself following a divorce. She seeks a fresh start with her dog in the country. she then meets Keaton, the local vet. Their love of animals brings them together.
Romance with a capital R and Christmas all rolled into one.
As the evenings get colder snuggle up and get ready for the holidays.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Different slant on a romance novel
Another book in the Matchmaker series.Bit of sadness in the story - it really explores, all the topics we experience, love death relationships an emotions and a bit of hope thrown into the mix. Well written and a different slant on the your typical romance story so a welcome change.
Recommended sun bed read.
Another great novella from this great author

I was asked to review this book by Inspired by Kathy - I have read a few books in this series and they never fail to interest me.
There is action and suspense in this novella - this book explains how Mia and Omar ( Omar Zagouri ) met with a bit of flitiness thrown in. The book is fast paced with a good story line with a middle eastern feel to this.
Recommend the reader reads the series and not just dip into one or two.

I was asked to review this cute kids book by Inspired by Kathy.
The author is a mum, written And illustrated the book also- wow that is something.
Beautifully illustrated essentially set around the day in a life of a three year old boy filled with fun and humour this is a book for under the Christmas tree this year. Delightful.

I was asked to review by Nudge/Real Readers
This is a beautifully written book by a great author I admire. The story is set around the complex nature of relationships
Esther friend Isabella dies of cancer it is devastating for her . Then as time passes she meets Isabella's sister Sally who apparently cared for her sister during her end of life episode.
This is all about life and how time moves on with memories , life and regrets focusing on the characters.
Recommended summer read for the sun bed - I loved it.
Read this at Christmas

I was asked to review this book by
First of all I read this on a sun bed in Bermuda in August - this needs to be read at Christmas. The title a new take on Dickensian writing so so I thought then the direction changed. Feel good with themes of miracles and that great feeling of Christmas with evenings spent during the happy holidays reading classics.
This filled me with hope and thoughtfulness on the whole story.
Possibly a book I would not have picked up but jolly glad I did.
Another great crime novel from one of the best

I was asked to review by Net Galley.
This is the 6th book in the Dublin Murder Squad series.
For avid readers of this author and crimes series - you will not be disappointed, as always well written, great pace. The female detective has a strong personality but is not without her flaws, which adds to the realness of this character.
Now to the plot exciting, keeps the readers on their toes and you want to read this is one sitting to get the best out of the story line. Found I kept going right to the end to find out the truth.
Great plot and great author.

I was asked to review this book by
Beautiful book, made the reader think. Story line runs through each story and there is a link too which was really effective. Stories were emotional and beautiful at the same time. Recommended read.
Another great crime novel from one of the best

I was asked to review by Net Galley.
This is the 6th book in the Dublin Murder Squad series.
For avid readers of this author and crimes series - you will not be disappointed, as always well written, great pace. The female detective has a strong personality but is not without her flaws, which adds to the realness of this character.
Now to the plot exciting, keeps the readers on their toes and you want to read this is one sitting to get the best out of the story line. Found I kept going right to the end to find out the truth.
Great plot and great author.
A communication bible

I was asked to review this book by Net Galley.
Will we ever get communication nailed? it is always a bone of contention whether this is in the workplace or in our daily lives - you are not listening or I presume this will happen.
The author takes a good stance to this book ( which could have been dry) and made this quite an enjoyable read.
He has worked with various organisations - wonder if he has tried to tackle the NHS or transport issues- just a thought.
i found this to be invaluable - meetings -, how I communicate and try to put information into perspective
A little bible we all need to have in the workplace.
Unique Crime writing skills

I was asked to review this book by Net Galley.
As a fan of Kate Atkinson and the Jackson Brodie crime novels I was keen to read this.This is the author's second book and I ask myself why I have not read her first?
The female lead detective - a little of Jenny Cooper M R Hall Coroner series. Good story line with good characters. The story in essence is missing person, murder/abduction mystery but there is a great deal more to this as the author explores the characters in detail as the reader gets to know them.
The authors writes well and is set to be up there with the top ten crime writers.
Monday, 15 August 2016
![The Glass Painter's Daughter by [Hore, Rachel]](
A beautifully written book and one I had missed but glad I read this.
Beautifully written with mystery and romance. This story intertwines with the past and present- the story involves a restoration of a stained glass window in the present day and then goes back to the past to discover the secrets behind the window's past and the people connected to this window. Was this just an ordinary stained glass window that was damaged during the blitz in the 40s or is there more to this.
The author centres characters in the present and from the past which bulids up to tell an compelling story.
i found the background to glass making and stained glass to be really interesting the author researched her subject well.
Mystery, Intrigue and a totally unexpected twist at the end.
![The Last Anniversary by [Moriarty, Liane]](
Another holiday read.
I have read a few of this authors books and they never disappoint. This book was set around a baby/Marie Celeste type mystery on Scribbly Gumm Island. Someone has been left a house and a whole lot of characters that come to life and are intriguing also.
This book really kept me gripped on my sun bed with gasps and sadness with some of the characters which are so well written. The book thunders on and the reader needs to know what really took place when the mystery began. I literally had no idea what the ending would be although I kept trying to work it out and well the final twist!
Recommended so if you are still sorting out your holiday reads this one is a an absolute must.
Jolly, lighthearted but no surprises.
![Star Teacher (Teacher Series Book 9) by [Sheffield, Jack]](
This is book 9 in the teacher series and have read each one since I was asked to review his first book by Tesco Book Club.
These books are Gervase Phinn meets James Herriot -light hearted and although the story continues the reader can pick up the books at anytime.
Great sense of humour which is likened to the books of Gervase Phinn a Yorkshire School Inspector. Love the nostalgia element of a by gone age - even although this is set just 30 years ago but how things have changed.
Glad to see Laura Beths sister was mentioned just once in the book - I found the relationship between Laura and Jack to be a little strange and never added to the stories.
A cliff hanger at the end, but not so as we know the next book Happiest Days (due for publication Jan 2017) is Jack's 10th year as headmaster. So no surprises.
Jolly and light hearted.
A beautifully written book

I was asked to review this by
This was a a great summer read on my sun bed looking up at the palm trees.
This was an interesting book and in that long summer summer of 76 - I can still remember the droughts, heat and the dreadful fires of that time.
This is about a teenager Richard, his Vietnamese mother, Czech uncle Dudek, Anika also Czech and what happened to his father in Vietnam.
Richard finishes his exams and spends some of his long holidays with his uncle, it is here he comes of age, experiences sex and life with the characters he meets at this time. The author tells a story well.
Beautifully written by an author I was not aware of, but am seeking out.
Personally having had experience of 76, remember the plight of the Boat People too, the subject really intrigued me .
The ending was interesting and sad at the same time.
Recommended - if you are still to go on summer holiday - download this today.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Beautifully written

I received this book from The Nudge and New books Reviewers Centre.
I read some good reviews already so was interested to read this.
The author writes beautifully and her writing is so powerful at times i found uncomfortable - this is a dysfunctional family and there are a good few around. There is the flip of the coin too and this can be uplifting too. Even when times are difficult there is hope.
The main character Lucille keeps gong despite her mother disappears, she then has more bad luck which seems so unfair
There is romance too - when all about everything is falling apart.
A good YA book
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Simply wonderful
![Hillstation: A story of true love, sacrifice, causality... and luck by [Mukherjee, Robin]](
I was asked to review this debut novel for Real Readers.
The author has written for film and TV before but what a great debut novel. If I had walked into a book store or airport I certainly would have been intrigued by this book.
The author writes so well and the characters just spill off the page with life and joy. Set in a little Indian village, customs and life have remained the same for a great many years. Things just chug along and to describe this the reader would think this is pretty mundane but not so the author has written his characters well. There are always those who want a different life and out of the blue a bus comes in with a trio of English dancers and their crew -the gods have listened to them.
Are these dancer what they seem and will those who want a different life - will they get what they wanted. Full of humour and such a different type of story.
I loved this book and hope the author writes more. Due for publication today.
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