What was it like?
the contents of the book (what the book is about, topics it covers, etc.). What
does it cover well - what would you like to have seen more of - or is it
it detailed enough, or is it too in-depth? Which sections did you enjoy? How
well written is it and how accessible?
is a well written book for carers and loved ones in how to care for conditions
such as Alzheimer's, dementia, memory loss and other conditions.
written for families in the States this is equally apt for the UK. The book begins with exactly what dementia is
( you would expect a definition but not all books do this assuming the reader
suffers are people and there is a great deal that can be done to improve
peoples lives and as a carer that is not always evident. The authors
acknowledge that through the persons perceptions, melancholy, aggression, what
at times feels like madness, and continually reminding them of what is to the
carer “normality”. Carers feel there will be cure and through treatment there
may be an improvement but for many there will never be a cure (certainly in
their life time) So how does the carer manage, they need to be fit and well,
eat nutritionally take exercise – but not to upset the person by shouting or
pushing them into situations they do not want to do.
is helpful suggestions such as placating the day so less is expected of them at
a time when they may not be at their best.
particularly liked the chapter on special arrangements if the family member is
sick (we do all get sick) this has an impact on the person who becomes more
confused – so planning is the key.
is small real life case stories as well which helps the carer to know it happens
to their people too and gives permission for life to go on with elements of
What were the
so practically that it covers all aspects and is the bible for family and
friends, it is not patronising and condescending and the chapters are well set
out and easy to read. If the reader wants to find a subject it is there and
easy to find in the contents.
the carer needs to seek further information again this is included.
authors understand they are clinicians and have the experience.
Strengths &
first and foremost empowers the carer, gives support and guidance when they
need it most
researched and updated this is the 6th edition
Who should read it?
is for carers and families, but equally should be on the reading list for
nursing and medical students, every ward should have a copy nursing and
clinicians can learn so much from this and ensure a high standard of care for
these patients.
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