What was it like?
is a new version of the reflective practice, as nurses we are all familiar
with, but this has been revised and contains a great deal more which is apt for
personal lives too.
are five sections to enable the reader to work through this topic
1. Reflective practice in
three chapters
3. Practice learning
4. To enable the reader to
lay deeper foundations of professionalism
5. To explore future
perspectives on reflective practice and challenges educators and learners to
further expand their capacity for deep learning through incorporation of other
is much wider than my experience of reflective practice and experience recently
whilst revalidating my Nursing Registration with the NMC.
enables the nurse to look at their practice as a whole and working practices on
a daily basis rather than one off reflections.
What were the
The chapters are well set out and easy for the reader to
read and understand. The references are up to date and also contain reference
to authors such as Shon and Benner that
shaped my nursing career.
The authors have acknowledged the importance of quality and
safety which I was impressed with- Staff struggle with governance and patient
safety and find it difficult to incorporate into their daily clinical tasks
seeing this often as and add on, and not being able to understand it is all
part of caring for the patient. In an age of litigation and duty of candour
staff are all too often frightened they wll harm a patient. The book gives
advice to to the reader in what they should achive and what circumstances they
are faced with and to develop skills that will enable them to practice as they
should following guidelines and policies.
Strengths &
were no weaknesses this book is written for practitioners in the States but is
equally apt for the UK healthcare setting.
Who should read it?
is a text book for all levels of nursing staff junior and senior. This will
pave the way for new nurses and enable more snior nurses to revalidate their
registrations and continually reflect and learn in practice. A book for all
clinical areas book shelves.
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