I was asked to review this book by Nudge.
Quite an emotional read, but cancer is. We lost my mother in law to cancer 3 years ago. I knew this would be difficult but there was two stands to this story which intertwined. Cancer and gambling bother diseases.
This is a unique well written book. It can be uncomfortable at times but it cannot be that way, but at the same time the reader must read on. This is in your face full on, honest but I urge you to read this.
This is about Raz (Theatre Director) who has non Hodgkin's lymphoma stage 4 - which for readers who do not know what this disease is -Non-Hodgkin lymphoma is an uncommon cancer that develops in the lymphatic system, which is a network of vessels and glands spread throughout your body. 5year survival rate is around 90%. With gambling addition as well not a great combination. Readers experience what is going on in his mind, the highs and the very lows but with a great sense of humour that comes out amidst this dreadful time as you join the "cancer club" as he describes this really graphic account no holds barred.
The author quotes the sentence most suffers will say "why me" and why not whoever that you may not particularly like, but then the author turns this around to "Why not me" and why he wanted to share this journey with the reader.
Will he find the right place to be in his life - reader please take time to read this.
Thank you Nudge and the author for letting me review this remarkable book.
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