After going part time at work I decided to look up some old classics I loved years ago and here is one of them.
I first read away back in 1976 and thought will this still be intriguing as it was 40 years ago.
I was taken back to Camden Town, the old gentleman, Edwardian London with snow falling, smell of gas lights and a time when the First World War had just ended.
Just when Mrs Allen is trying to make ends meet, with a baby and two children Jamie and Lucy, the old man appears at their door and offers them a life line- to be a caretaker of an old country house.
The house is run down and the question of why they have been sent there is raised, but two children appear to Lucy and Jamie, they are in trouble.
Lucy and Jamie learn they must travel back in time 100 years to 1818 to try and stop what happened long ago.
A truly magical ghost story- I would urge parents- if you can get a reasonably priced copy to let your children read this. This is up there with the classics.
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