Friday, 6 December 2019

Intersting but just lacked something

The Co-op's Got Bananas: A Memoir of Growing Up in the Post-War North
This book was nostalgic but lacked something.

Interesting story and interesting to learn about the author wife Margaret Forster  and was  lucky and privileged to go to university when his peers were destined for factories become apprentices or national service. 

I found the education part interesting and how universities have come on - especially Durham which is one of the elite universities.

I was brought up in the late 60s and could relate to the Scottish relatives and how damaged some were in my experience through hardship and two wars.

I felt once Hunter left home his family did not appear to have any bearing and maybe that was meant it is hard to identify.

I found the author interesting and will read another of his books. Sadly this lacked something.

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